What to do if the Insurance Company Refuses to Pay
If the insurance company sends you a settlement offer letter, but the amount of money they offer you is not enough to pay for your accident-related expenses, whatever you do, do not sign the release. Instead, bring the unsigned letter to a car accident lawyer and have your lawyer call the insurance company to negotiate for a better settlement. Insurance companies often offer drivers the bare minimum in settlement money after an accident, just enough to cover the vehicle repairs, if those repairs were offered at rock bottom prices, and the cost of the emergency room visit after the accident. They sometimes will not offer enough money to cover follow up treatment, car rental or rideshare fees when your car was in the shop, or reimbursement for the income you lost out on during the days that you missed work because of your injuries, and they certainly do not cover the pain and suffering experienced from the accident. It is always worthwhile to ask a personal injury lawyer to help you negotiate for a better settlement.

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